Two of our Lockney Longhorns have been nominated for the
2021 Texas Student-Athlete Student of the Year Award
Ryann Castillo and Kalebh Cook
If they win, they will be awarded The 2021 Texas Student-Athlete of the Year Award, presented by 2Words Character Development
The $1,000 Letterman to Leader Scholarship
Please Vote for Your Athletes:
1. Visit this link: https://surveyhero.com/c/2Avoting
2. Find your Athlete's names on the drop-down list and complete the voting form
3. Share this link and repeat as many times until voting closes on Friday, February 5th, 2021 at 3:00pm

Should Lockney ISD be required to cancel in-person classes due to inclement weather on Monday, January 11, the district will transition to an asynchronous learning plan during the closure. This will prevent students from having to make up a pre-scheduled weather holiday.
An asynchronous learning plan means that students MUST participate in online/prepared learning activities by:
checking in to their learning management system (Google Classroom) to access assignments;
having contact with their teacher via online portals; or
submitting completed assignments.
In anticipation of this possibility, elementary students will have learning activities sent home to be done on Monday (IF NEEDED). If a student is absent today and therefore does not receive their assignment for Monday, they student/parent may reach out to their teacher by email or dojo to receive it.
Secondary students should already have all devices and equipment which travels back and forth between home and school.
If cancellation becomes necessary, students must bring all materials back to school when in-person classes resume.
In the event in-person classes are canceled, student participation is expected in order for students to avoid being counted absent.
If inclement weather calls for a delay rather than a cancellation, in-person classes will proceed on a late-start schedule.
Decisions in regard to delay or cancellation will be made as early as possible with the hopes of minimizing disruption to student and family schedules. School administrators consider all available information prior to making a decision.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation; please stay safe and warm!
Jim Baum, Superintendent
Lockney Independent School District

Due to inclement weather Lockney ISD has cancelled school for Wednesday, October 28th, 2020. Stay safe and stay warm.

Due to inclement weather Lockney ISD has cancelled school for Tuesday, October 27th, 2020. Stay safe and stay warm.

We are changing some procedures for assisting students in our technology department. Please follow the link for details.

Meal Pickup

For student safety reasons, LISD is closing all campuses tomorrow.
Elementary and Junior High will resume on-campus classes on Wednesday, October 14th.
The High School will begin Remote Learning on Wednesday, October 14th.
We will be sharing more information as it becomes available.
Thank you.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
We are officially experiencing our most significant COVID outbreak to date.
We have 6 active cases among our high school students and 1 active staff member at the Elementary.
The contact tracing circle is significant with this outbreak. As of now, we have approximately 75 students and 4 adults quarantined as a result of exposure at the high school campus.
The Junior High has 4 students and 2 staff members quarantined for exposure.
The Elementary school has 6 students quarantined with 1 of those students being ill but not yet tested. The one active staff member case is at the Elementary.
As you can imagine, it will take a wide net to catch all of the folks who have been exposed.
For safety reasons, we are going to close all campuses to our students tomorrow. We will use this time to complete our contact tracing and provide opportunity for further testing. We will also be deep cleaning our campuses. Each principal will communicate their expectations for their teachers.
Elementary and Junior High students will return to campus on Wednesday, October 14.
High School students will begin REMOTE studies on Wednesday, October 14.
We will be sharing more information as it becomes available.
Thank you,
Jim Baum, Superintendent
Lockney Independent School District

We are on the watch for severe weather. The barn is open if you want to get your vehicle under cover.

Parents, LISD has sent a mass email to test communication capacity. If you did not receive this email, please contact your campus office tomorrow morning to verify/update your contact information. Thank you!

Phone Test:
Parents, LISD has sent an auto phone call to test communication capacity. If you did not receive this call, please contact your campus office tomorrow morning to verify/update your contact information. Thank you

Another good day at LISD. All of today's efforts were directed at the challenges that tomorrow will present. Teachers and Techies have worked very hard to put devices and supplies together for our students. There will be hiccups but we are determined to have all of our students connected and learning...together...as quickly as possible.
Thank you again for your patience, support, and encouragement.