Parents of Lockney ISD Students,
We will begin online registration on Wednesday, August 3! Registration will take place at the high school campus for ALL students. New and returning students must get registration done on campus and before the first day of school. If you are NEW to the district, please bring your student’s Birth Certificate, SS Card, Immunization Record, proof of residency and any previous school information you may have. If you are a returning student and have moved over the summer and have a new address, please bring proof of residency as well. Please know that new student enrollment will take longer than returning students. Returning student parents, please be sure that you can log into your parent portal account before coming to online registration and also be sure that your email is current and working. We are offering only two online registration times this year. Wednesday, August 3 from 1:00 pm until 7:30 pm and Monday, August 8 from 1:00 pm until 7:30 pm. If you are unable to make either of these times, you must schedule an appointment with your student’s campus secretary in order to complete online registration before school begins on Tuesday, August 16th!
Thank you!

Our science department is not going to know what hit it! Ms. Hill (soon to be Mrs. Salazar) is joining our family to rock Physics and Chemistry. We are so grateful for her and her experience she brings to LHS! Help me welcome her to Lockney!

Ms. McGinnis is fully committed to Lockney High School and our students. She came to us two years ago. She has such a passion for kids and education. Thank you so much for being so dedicated to LHS! We are luck to have you on our team.

Welcome Destiny Perez to Lockney High School. Ms. Perez will be an English teacher working with sophomores and seniors this year. We are so excited to have her talent and passion for kids at LHS this year. Welcome to Lockney!

Our new band director is Dr. Robert Rumbelow. Please welcome his incredible experience to our band. We are beyond blessed that he chose Lockney to leave his mark. Our band hall is being renovated and the entire band program is about to blow your socks off! Hold on Longhorns!!!! Welcome to Lockney Dr. Rumbelow.

Longhorn Band Marches to the Beat of New Directors and the LISD Board Approves a $200,000 Expenditure for New Instruments
The Lockney Independent School district has a new Band Director and new Assistant Band Directors for the upcoming school year.
Dr. Robert Rumbelow comes to LHS with 32 years of music teaching experience. Dr. Rumbelow, a graduate of Texas Tech University and the Eastman School of Music, has had state-level successes with every high school he has been with (including multiple state marching finalists), and tremendous acclaim with his university bands throughout his career. His enthusiasm for helping students meet their potential is infectious and we are looking forward to seeing our band thrive under his direction.
Mr. Joseph Gonzalez is also a graduate of Texas Tech University where he was a percussion specialist and a member of the Goin Band from Raiderland. He looks forward to sharing his broad range of musical skills and experiences with our students. Mr. Gonzalez is already showing his “whatever it takes” attitude and we look forward to watching him work with our students.
Ms. Michaela Rummel is a McMurry University graduate and comes to Lockney with four years of experience teaching music and assisting with successful band programs. Ms. Rummel will teach music at Lockney Elementary and will assist Dr. Rumbelow and Mr. Gonzalez with secondary band responsibilities. We are excited to see her bring her experience and skills to the students of Lockney ISD.
On June 7th, the Lockney ISD School Board approved the purchase $200,000 worth of new instruments to affirm their commitment to the success of our students. Additionally, Dr. Rumbelow has initiated some much-needed renovations to the Band Hall. He and Mr. Gonzalez have worked alongside our maintenance and custodial staff to rejuvenate the rehearsal space for our bands. LISD is also revitalizing the north parking lot at the elementary school to provide a more convenient and efficient space for marching rehearsals.
This is going to be exciting! Hey Band…How Do You Feel?!

Gratitude for a job well done.
Wednesday, June 8th will mark the end of a great career for Mr. Craig Setliff. We would like to thank Mr. Setliff for his eighteen years of service to this district and for the example that he has set for students and staff alike. As you end this chapter and begin a new one, please know that you are appreciated and loved. May you be blessed as you continue to serve and bless others.
Job well done, my friend. We will miss you.

Dewayne Jones to be Lockney Junior High Principal
Lockney ISD is excited to welcome Dewayne Jones home to serve as the Junior High Principal. Mr. Jones, his wife Carrie, and their twelve-year-old son, Laston, will be returning to the U.S. after serving students and families in China for the past fourteen years. Mr. Jones is a 1997 graduate of Lockney High School. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from Howard Payne University and a Master of Educational Leadership from Southeastern Oklahoma State University. His seventeen years of educational experience include teaching engineering math at the collegiate level, teaching high school math, serving as a middle school assistant principal, and serving as a middle school principal. Mr. Jones is quick to point out the importance of his supportive wife, Carrie, who has eighteen years of experience as a mental health therapist and has counseled kids, teens, and adults in a variety of issues. In addition to these experiences, Mr. and Mrs. Jones have been blessed to raise Laston, who is autistic and non-verbal. They believe this has taught them much about compassion and patience. We believe the Jones’ will bring a tremendous servant mission to our school and community.
Mr. Jones said he cannot convey how excited he and his family are to return to Lockney. He is appreciative of the fact that this little town helped him develop a strong work ethic, the value of community, a determination to succeed, and strong moral compass. He looks forward to providing those same opportunities for our students. He is committed to providing the children of Lockney with a safe environment where students want to come to learn, a place where staff want to come to work, and a school where parents are proud to send their children. The Jones' feel privileged and blessed to have had amazing experiences abroad and they trust that these experiences will serve them well upon their return. Mr. Jones also wants the residents of Lockney to know that he is thrilled to have the unique opportunity to give back to the community that he still calls home. “I am honored to accept the role of Junior High principal and to be a servant to your children and to LISD.”
Welcome home, Mr. Jones. We are looking forward to you and your family helping this school and our little community continue to rise!

Movie in the Park Update
With rain chances picking up over the course of the afternoon and early afternoon, we are moving our movie party indoors! (We wanted to close the dome over the baseball field...but we remembered that we don't have one.)
New Location: Elementary Cafeteria
New Time: Movie will begin at 8:00
Indoor Park: Bring your lawn chairs and blankets. We are still pretending to be outdoors.
New and Improved: Since we are not on the turf, you are welcome to bring soft drinks and snacks. (Just be sure to clean up after yourself please.)

Movie Night hosted by the Lockney ISD Employees
Thursday May 19th
8 PM- ???

Athletic Banquet May 9th 2022

4th Grade Wax Museum
April 21st, 2022
10:00-10:30 AM
Relatives and friends of our wax figures are welcome to visit, please sign in at the office. We will be having class the rest of the day, so please plan to leave our wax figures at school until dismissal. Thank you all for your support! -4th Grade Teachers

Reminder: Monday, April 4th 2022, is an instructional day. All Lockney I.S.D. students are required to attend.
Thank You!

Reminder!!! Registration today is extended until 7:00 PM! Please come and get your students registered for the upcoming school year! If you have already taken care of this, we THANK YOU!

Attention Junior High families:
Tomorrow, Wednesday August 11th is the last day to register for the 2021-2022 school year. To register you must come to the High School between 8:30 AM and 6:00 PM, this is mandatory for all students, if you have not done so already. For any new students, or incoming 6th graders, to the Junior High we will be hosting a "Meet the Teacher" from 1 PM to 3:30 PM on Thursday, August the 12th, if you would like to drop by.

Reminder!!! Don't forget in person registration, tomorrow, Tuesday, August 10th from 8:30 AM until 1:00 PM and Wednesday, August 11th from 8:30 AM until 6:00 PM at the High School Campus. This is mandatory registration for all PK through 12th Grade Students. Thank you again and sorry for any confusion this may have caused.

Parents of Lockney ISD Students,
For those of you that did give us your email address towards the end of school or in the last week or so we appreciate it. However, that was to help us prepare for the part of registration that is online. We must have a current/correct email address in our software in order for this process to work. We are moving our registration packets to mostly online in hopes that it will be easier for you, our parents. We are asking at least one PK-12 grade parent to come to the high school campus before school starts to complete registration for each of your students. Before you leave that day all forms will be completed and no packet will be sent home for you to fill out on the first day of school. Please be patient with our staff as this is our first time doing this.
Thank you!
Please remember that registration is at the High School on Monday, August 9 from 12:00 pm until 8:00 pm, Tuesday, August 10 from 8:30 am until 1:00 pm and Wednesday, August 11 from 8:30 am until 6:00 pm.

Parents of Lockney ISD Students,
We will begin online registration on Monday, August 9! This is taking place at the high school campus for ALL students. New and returning students must get registration done on campus and before the first day of school. If you are NEW to the district, please bring your student’s Birth Certificate, SS Card, Immunization Record, proof of residency and any previous school information you may have. Please know that new student enrollment will take longer than returning students. We are offering multiple times. Monday, August 9 from 12:00 pm until 8:00 pm, Tuesday, August 10 from 8:30 am until 1:00 pm and Wednesday, August 11 from 8:30 am until 6:00 pm. If you are unable to make any of these times, you must schedule an appointment with your student’s campus secretary in order to complete online registration before school begins on August 17th!
Thank you!

Dear Parents of Lockney ISD Students,
We came to you in the spring to explain that Lockney ISD is moving registration to an online format this school year (2021-2022). We need a current/accurate email address that you use or will use in Ascender Parent Portal. The email address needs to be the same for all of your students. For those of you who completed this in the spring, we thank you, and you do NOT need to complete it again. For those who have not completed it we ask you to please complete it AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. We are trying to catch anyone that was missed so that registration will be as simple as possible when school starts up this year. So please feel free to share!
We are looking forward to a great 2021-2022 school year!
Thank you!

*Please fill out the survey- https://forms.gle/noDRCXbnA1EXLPQH7 *
Lockney ISD will apply for a grant from the Texas Education Agency based on funds they received from the American Rescue Plan (ARP) through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER III). The total amount of funding that Lockney ISD is eligible for is $1,409,295. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) will release 2/3 of these funds after we complete the required application and submit a "Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan". The additional 1/3 of the funds are scheduled for release at a later date once the TEA receives approval from the federal granting agency.
Our plan must include stakeholder input on how we expect to safely return students to school and provide instructional continuity, and a plan on how these funds should be utilized.
Lockney ISD is seeking input from stakeholders across the district to include LISD staff, parents, community and students as we develop our plan.
Your feedback and input is critical and will help inform our plan.
Responses to this survey are due by 5:00pm on Tuesday June 22nd and will be considered as we develop our plan.
*Please fill out the survey- https://forms.gle/noDRCXbnA1EXLPQH7 *